In the Sumerian pantheon of gods, Enki is the Water-god of wisdom and sorcery, the Lord of the Earth and the Abzu (Apsu)--the Abyss of Waters, the sweet-water ocean. He obtained his title of "Abzu" when he stole the god Apsu's sacred garments during the sleep spell that he had placed on Apsu.

Enki watches over the whole world and governs all divine powers and laws, determining the destinies of the ancient cities Sumer and Ur. He is also known, in "The Myth of Enki and the World Order", for fixing the frontiers of the earth and for setting up the Sun-god "Utu" over the whole Universe. Enki's most important cult center was the city Eridu, the oldest of all the Sumerian cities.

Enki was the "genetic" son of the god Enlil, who was later known as Anu (Anu-II) in Babylonian Myths. His mother was Nammu, the goddess who gave birth to Heaven and Earth, the representative of the sweet-waters below the earth. Enki's traditional Babylonian name was Nudimmud or Ea, the Semitic god who participated with Ninmah in the creation of Man and the other creatures. [Myth of Enki and Ninmah] He was opposed by the Fertility goddess Inanna, who took away all his powers. [Myth of Inanna and Enki] Enki or Ea was also opposed by the goddess Ninhursag, who cursed him. [Myth of Dilmun] Although opposed by some of the gods and goddesses, many of the myths of the Ancient Near East depict Enki as famed among the Sumerians and Babylonians.


His genealogy runs:

1. ENLIL + Nammu

2. ENKI/Ea(Nudimmud) + Ninmah

3. [Man and other creatures]




During the Pre-Babylonian or Sumerian times Ea was called Enki. He is the third most important member of the First triad of the gods. According to the Semitic Babylonian traditions, he is called the god of the waters, who dwelt in his abode, the "Apsu"--the ocean or abyss of waters. He was famed as the god of wisdom, magic, knowledge, agriculture and writing and was also invoked for his curative healing spells. Ea's attendant vizier or advisor was Mummu and his consort was Damkina.

Ea and Damkina were the (genetic) parents of the great Marduk (Bel-Marduk), the Shulpae of the Sumerians. He is also associated with the constellations Pisces and Aquarius and is iconographically stylized with the head of a ram and illustrated in cylinders as a "goat-fish". His genealogy runs as follows:


ANU (Anu-II) + Nammu

Nudimmud/Ea + Damkina (=Ninmah, Nintu, Ninhursag and Aruru)

Marduk(Bel) (1)




To the Greek Mythologists, Poseidon is the god of the Mediterranean Sea and of all the fluid elements. He was by "lot" determined to rule all the sea and coastal areas. His place of residence was deep in the Aegean Sea. Tradition says he had an underwater palace! In Homeric tradition, he sided with the Greeks against Zeus and the Trojans, and in this tradition, resided in their highlands of Thrace.

The compared genealogies show that Pelasgus was one of his sons. Pelasgus was the father of the Pelasgians, the children of Larissa and Lycaon--the Larissians and Lycaonians. Larissa was a name for Larissian colonial cities located in different places in Mesopotamia, Syria and Greece. Lycaon, in the Pelasgian Creation Myth, is charted as the only son of Pelasgus. He was the son of Meliboea and Cyllene. Some traditions record that he was the first colonizer of Arcadia and the founder of the city Lycosura. He is said to have been an impious King with impious sons. The district of Lycaonia in Asia Minor was named after him, thus his sons were the original Lycaonian aborigines.

Greek and Latin traditions identify Poseidon as Cronus or Cronius and Saturnius, the son(s) of Cronus and Saturn. He is also the third son of Phoroneus. What is interesting in this genealogy, is Agenor is thus duplicated. First, he is the son of Poseidon-Cronus-II, then the son of Phoroneus-Cronus-I. Here the Hellenic version of the Pelasgian genealogy skips over Poseidon in silence. When these two genealogies are kept apart, Agenor is duplicated. When they are combined, as they are supposed to be, Agenor is restored to one set of parents. There are not two Agenor's, but one! When Agenor is identified as one figure, Poseidon is shown as the true son of Cronus-Phoroneus and the father of Agenor. This makes the other tradition interpret Agenor as an adopted son of Phoroneus. The connection between the two genealogies, the Ophion and Phoronian, is the Moon-Mother goddess Eurynome, who appears as a duplicate of the Hellenic Credo-Artemis-Caria of Phoroneus. In all cases, she retains her Moon title. Her consort is Ophion-III, the Phoroneus of the Pelasgian pantheon and is also the great serpent Boreas--the son of Ophion-II. He is therefore shown to be the father of Cronus-II, who is Poseidon. (2) [See Appendix on Poseidon and the Pelasgians]




Kasyapa appears to be connected to Poseidon in Hindu mythology. This identification is made through a study of their children. In the Hindu Puranic histories, Kasyapa is said to have had a son named "Kraunci", the father of the "Owl Tribe". In the Puranic geographies, the continental land divisions of the earth, surrounding Mount Meru in ancient Jumbadwipa, were named after all the well known patriarches. Kraunci was one of those patriarches, who's name was given to the geographical land continent, Kraunchadwipa. In the geography section of this study, Kraunchadwipa will be shown to be the ancient Hindu name for the whole land area of Asia Minor and Greece! It is demonstrated, in the appendix on the Pelasgians, which discusses the ancient records of Asia Minor and Greece, that Kraunchadwipa was first colonized by the Pelasgians. They were a partly mixed race of people made up of the sons of Pelasgus, the son of Poseidon. They are identified as the Sidonian-Pelasgi, after the Biblical patriarch Sidon and Greek Pelasgus. (3) The comparative chart is as follows:




1. Kasyapa = Poseidon = Sidon



2. s. Kraunci. s. Pelasgus. s. Lycaon.


3. The Owl Tribe The Pelasgians People of A. Minor

of Kraunchadwipa of Asia Minor, Greece, Syria. The

Greece, Pelasgia. Sidonians.


The Great Mahabarata Epic gives evidence that Kasyapa is also the great Pandu, the son of the evil King Karna. This is found in the Javanese version of the Mahabarata Epic as recorded by the ancient Lakons. Could the Lakons be the Greecian Lycaons?


























Lugalbanda is the most prominent "hero" figure in the epic myths of Sumer and the legendary co-heart of Enmerkar. Both have a close relationship with the ancient city of Aratta, a troublesome city located somewhere in Northern Iran, identified with modern Ishbahan. (1) Lugalbanda was a major protagonist in the epic days of ancient Sumer and was also the herald and companion, and the successor of Enmerkar at Erech. Details of his political and military achievements are lacking besides those of his campaign against Aratta.

In the two tales 'Lugalbanda and Enmerkar' and 'Lugalbanda and Mount Hurrum', Lugalbanda is recorded as the military General of Erech under the Kingship of Enmerkar. (2) In one account Lugalbanda returns home from a major battle only to find Erech besieged by the Semitic Martu's or Amorites. Enmerkar, in desperation, sends Lugalbanda to Aratta to request help from his sister Inanna. Lugalbanda leaves, crosses the Zagros Mountains, and heads for Aratta. Arriving, Lugalbanda relays his message to Inanna from her brother Enmerkar. Inanna warmly receives Lugalbanda and his message, and sends him back with the favoring message that she will help. The poem closes with all of Erech praising Inanna and Aratta. (3) Yet, this changes into hatred and conflict with the Erech and Aratta War!

The consort of Lugalbanda was the Cow-goddess Ninsuna, "Lady of the Wild Cows". (4) The epics, and other scattered fragments, also mention some of Lugalbanda's offspring. The Epic of Gilgamesh, a Babylonian rendering of the Genesis Flood Account, clearly mentions Gilgamesh as the son of Lugalbanda and Ninsuna! (5) One other son was Urnammu, the founder of the Third Dynasty Ur, who says of himself, "I am the Brother of the Great Gilgamesh; I am the offspring of Ninsuna." (6) Shulgi is another son of Lugalbanda in the Sumerian Myths. He is addressed as "The Child born by Ninsuna" and refers to Gilgamesh as his "brother and comrade." Mr. Jacobsen, in his Mesopotamian studies, suggests that Gudea is another of Lugalbanda's sons.

Dr. Pilkey identifies Lugalbanda with the Biblical, Genesis-10, Patriarch Shelah, the son of Sidon and Uzal. In the parallel epic accounts of the Hindu's, he is the evil King Surya or Ravana, the counter-part to the Babylonian hero Marduk!

The four sons of Lugalbanda will be shown to be the four sons of Shelah: Asshur, Heber, Elam and Hazarmaveth. The identities of the four will be given later. For now, the genealogy of Lugalbanda is,


LUGALBANDA w/wife Ninsuna (The Cow-goddess)


SONS: Gilgamesh, Gudea, Shulgi, Urnammu




In the later Babylonian myths of gods, Marduk (the son of Ea) becomes the "Head" of the pantheon through a deal he makes with the Assembly of the Gods. His "deal" is that they have to give him Kingship in return for his deposing Tiamat, the evil consort of Apsu. In the Enuma-elis Epic (The Marduk Creation Epic), Bel-Marduk is shown to be a descendant of Apsu and Tiamat. The Epic starts with a given generation of "self-existent" gods, the primordial pair, Apsu and Tiamat:


"When on high the heaven had not been made, firm ground below

had not been called by name, naught but primordial Apsu, their

begetter, (and) Mummu (Mother) -Tiamat, she who bore them (the gods) all. . . (8)


Apsu and Tiamat produce a second generation of beings or gods as can be seen in the statements "their begetter" and "them all". This new generation were the offsprings Anshar, Kishar, Lahmu and Lahamu. A third generation was also produced when Anshar begat Anu, his "first-born", "their heir" to the succession of ruling gods (Enuma-elis: I: verses 9-15). Anu then is recorded as becoming his father's equal. This begins with Anu's begetting Nudimmud/Ea, the next (fourth) generation:


"Anu begot in his image Nudimmud (Ea). This Nudimmud (the

Earth and Water-god) was of his fathers the master; . . . mightier

by far than his grandfather, Anshar. He had no rival among the

gods, his brothers. (E.E. I: 16-20)


Nudimmud eventually defeats his ancestor father Apsu, and Apsu's vizier Mummu (not to be confused with Mummu-Mother Tiamat), with a "sleep-spell" conjured up through black magic. The story goes: When Apsu and Mummu are caused to sleep, Ea steals Apsu's sacred rule-giving garments, which were not rightfully his. These sacred garments represented, according to the epic symbolism, the principle of supreme sovereignty and rulership over all mankind and the gods. By putting the garments on, Ea usurps the sovereign rulership of Apsu (The "Apsu-ship") and becomes the new Water-god or god of the Sea or Primordial Ocean of Creation. He is now the new ruler of the entire pantheon of gods!

Ea is further shown to build a new "apsu" shrine, a stage tower, for himself and his consort Damkina. The account describes the birth of a new son, Marduk, who will become the New Sun-god of the world, "the Sun of the Heavens". Following in succession and after his fathers, Marduk steals the sacred Tablets of Destiny from Tiamat and usurps the title of Creatorship, ruler over everyone and determining the destinies of all the gods:


"Ea and Damkina his wife dwelt there in splendor. In the Chamber

of Fates, the Abode of Destinies, a god was engendered, most able

and wisest of the gods. In the heart of ''Apsu' (the Shrine of the

Abyss), was Marduk created. He who begot him was his father Ea;

she who bore him was his mother Damkina. (E.E. I:77-84)


Anu then names his new child and designates him with the title of the Sun: "This is My son [descendant grandson], The Sun!, The Sun of the heavens." (v. 102-103)

From the above passages we can now assemble a genealogy of Marduk, which is also listed in the genealogy chart of the Introduction. The lineage of Marduk runs as follows:


APSU w/w Tiamat -O

Anshar, Kishar -O, Lahmu, Lahamu -O




Nudimmud/Ea w/w Damkina -O (The Greek "Danae")


MARDUK (Bel-Marduk) The Sun God




The most famous biographical aspect of Marduk second to his defeating "Ole' Mother Tiamat" and Kingu, her General, is his becoming the New Supreme Ruler Sun-King and taking on all the fifty names of the entire Assembly of the Gods (E.E. VII:138-140). The fifty names all are encapsulated into one name, the name of his father Ea. Marduk's divine name, above all other authorities, becomes his father's name, Ea. (E.E. VII: 138-140, 151):


"Ea heard and his spirit rejoiced, saying: 'He whose names his

fathers have magnified, He is given as I [am/was}; his (Marduk's)

name shall therefore be, Ea."


The myth appears to show that Ea listened to the proclamations, in which he apparently had not taken any active part in (E.E. VI: 121), but by persuasion, must have reluctantly conferred his own name on his son, in addition to the other fifty names of the Igigi-Assembly of the Gods. Marduk now becomes Ea-II.

A combined "Marduk" genealogy chart is now required. The following is a combined comparison chart of all the parallel genealogies from the Babylonian, Hindu and Biblical figures:









Epic Vedic

NOAH = Apsu = ? = MahaVishnu = Noah


HAM = Anshar = Sunda Brahma = Shem


CANAAN = Anu = Pulastya Daksa = Arphaxad



Somali = Obal


SIDON = ? Ea/Enki = Kasyapa d. Uzal

w/w d. Kaikasi



SHELAH = Bull-El = MARDUK = Ravana/Surya

(Bel) (The Sun God)


EBER/Heber = ? = Nabu Reventa/Dasaratha

ELAM = Yamm = ? Yama

Hazarmaveth = Mot = ? Asvin(s)

ASHUR = Athtar = ? Manu



In addition to Marduk obtaining his fifty names (9) from his contemporary assembly of gods, The Igigi, he also acquires the name Ea; as we have said before. The acquiring of the fifty names appears to mean he obtained all the attributes and divine commissions or positions of the gods. The obtaining of his father's name seems to show his taking the Absolute Ruling Kingship from his father. In many ancient cultures rulership was handed down by heredity, where the son takes his father's name, which meant he takes his place!, his powers and attributes, leaving the father retired from his position. The son becomes the new ruler with authority over all. (10) "Ea heard and his spirit rejoiced, Saying: 'He whose names his fathers have magnified, He (Marduk) is given as I; his name shall (therefore) be Ea!"




The Greek myths state that Belus was called "King Belus the Sidonian", (11) the Ruler of Chemmis in the Thebaid. (12) The myths have them residing in Cyprus as well as Egypt. It is mentioned that he was the god and ruler of the Underworld when Ashtar was but a small child. Belus or Bel was the son of Poseidon and Lybia(Eurynome). He was the twin brother of Agenor and father of the twins Aegyptus and Danaus, the progenitors of the Egyptians and Danes. He was the ancestor hero and divinity of several Eastern Nations, from which his legends spread to Greece and the West. (13) Mr. Robert Graves suggests, in his Greek Myths, that the myth of Belus and the Danaids records the early migration of the Helladic Greeks, with their stories of Belus(Baal), into Greece from Palestine by way of Rhodes. The myth supposedly records a quarrel between Belus' sons Aegyptus and Danaus, in which the Danaus ends in fleeing to Greece and to the Land of the Argives. (14) Naturally, the myths of Belus went with him.

The Chaldeans imagine the Supreme God Bel (or Baal) as a Fire, as alluded to in the Biblical account of the prohibition given by Jehovah Himself, not to call Him Baal anymore: "Thou shalt call me no more Baal." Belus/Bel/Baal took his name from the Sumerian Moon-goddess Belili, whom he had vanquished in a fight. (15) He was called, in diverse places, Beel, Beelphegor, Belzeman and diabolically "Beelzebub (16), the Canaanite Baal-Spalisha "the Self-Triplicated Baal" (17), Jupiter-Belus, and was interpreted by the name Zeus-Jupiter. (18) His traditional identity was Nembrodes or Nimrod, according to the Genesis Account, the son of Cush [by the Arabians, as the son of Canaan.]. Yet, some mythographers claim he is Shelah, the son of Sidon. This fits comfortably within our genealogy of Poseidon. (19) Poseidon has already been identified as the Biblical Sidon; and Poseidon was the father of Belus! This appears to clarify Belus as Shelah more than as Nimrod.

The name Belus is a derivative of Bel, the name of one of Nimrod's cities, the Ba-Bel-on of Babylonia. It appears to be a title also signifying 'deity'. After the confusion at the Tower of Babel, the name of Bel was changed to Ba-Bel meaning "confusion, according to the Hebrews. The term is still used in an archaic style, today, when we call someone "a run-off at the mouth", "you babbling idiot", & etc. Bel is also a variant of the Greek name Belos. (20) Etymologically, the name Belus means "Heaven", and therefore, was used by the Dryopians of Thessaly to designate Mount Olympus. Another derivative is the ancient city name Babylos. The name was also used to designate the Temple of Belus or Jupiter-Belus at Babylon. (21) Thus the poet Pindar could refer to this Tower or Mount of Belus or Olympus, the Tower of Saturn-Noah, as the "Brazen Heaven". This term is also made use of by him in speaking of the Olympia in Elis. (22)

As Mount Belus, Olympus was a place of sacrifice as well as a type of Heaven. It was not uncommon for the ancients to refer to the firmament itself as the "Starry Sacrificial Belus". Mr. Agernon Herbert, in his "Ninrod", says that Cush, son of Ham, was also looked upon as a god and worshipped by the name of Belus or Cush-Belus. The same title, he says, originally belonged to Noah (the Saturn of the traditional mythographers) his grandfather and to the great false god of all gods, Jove. "By Jove!, notice; his Temple

and Tower was erected in defiance of Jehovah!" The name was also applied to his son, Nimrod. (23)

The name Belus was also just a title, according to the names listed by Eupolemus, a Greek historian who wrote about the early Assyrians and Jews and believed that Belus-Cronus begot Belus-Cham of whom Canaan was the son. (24) Thus the name Belus appears as a title name for 'deity', and appertains to the mythological Saturn-Noah,

Jupiter-Ham and to Cush, Nimrod and Sidon's son Shelah. Some accounts say that Belus had four brothers: Agenor, Aegyptus, Danaus and Cephus. This could be true, but other references suggest that Aegyptus and Danaus were twin sons of Belus, as Belus and Agenor were the twin sons of Poseidon. (25) There are discrepancies. The latter reference is probably the most accurate account of the genealogy, for the records state that Belus and Anchinoe (the daughter of Ninus) bore Aegyptus, Danaus and Cephus-I. (26) Another sibling of Belus was the daughter Lamia, the ruler of Egypt and Lybia, who Mr. graves says is the same as the Egyptian goddess Neith, the goddess of Love and War. She is supposed also as the Syrian Anatha and the Greek Athene. Notice that "lamyros" means "lecherous", an excellent description of this goddess. (27) She is said to be as extremely ugly as a "Gorgon, like Medusa, and to be the wife of Zeus. This is probably derived from the Achaean's, which did not have any good opinions about her, for she was noted as one of their greatest oppressors. (28)

Belus is also said to be the father of Pygmalion, and Ninus the most famous Ruler of the Assyrians. Now, Ninus, according to the mythographers, was the Biblical Asshur. Yet, another, Andrew Took, the Author of "The Pantheon", suggests that Belus is Nimrod, and infers that Ninus was someone else other than Asshur. His position came from Scripture, which led him to list Asshur as a son of Shem rather than as the true son of Nimrod. But no matter who he was, we know;


"Ninus, the first King of the Assyrians, was the first contriver and

asserter of false gods, as it is reported; who, to render the name of his

father Belus, or Nimrod, immortal, worshipped him with divine honor

after his death." (29)


Andrew Tooke says here, that Ninus is the son of Belus, who is Nimrod and that as Belus had founded Babylon, so Ninus founded Ninus or Nineveh. He continues: "Belus was also called by the Hellenic people, Jupiter or Saturn of Babylon and that all this was about 2000 years after Creation. (30)

Obviously, there are two traditions. Either Belus is Nimrod and, therefore, Ninus cannot be Asshur or Belus is someone else, who is not identifiable. If Belus is someone else besides Nimrod, then Ninus can be either Asshur or another son listed in Genesis-10. But, for now, Belus does not appear to be Nimrod, but is most likely Shelah, the father of Eber. The composite Poseidon genealogy should run closely as follows: (31)















ZEUS w/w Telegonus or Io -O


EPAPHUS (The Bull Apis)


Lybia -O w/consort POSEIDON w/w Anchinoe-O



Telephasa-Argiope (Polyphemus)

1. Europe 1. Lamia

2. Cadmus 2. Ninus

3. Phoenix 3. Pygmalion

4. Cilix 4. Cephus-I ---------------------------Cephus-II

5. Thasus 5. Aegyptus----------------------------

6. Phineus 6. Danaus

6.1 Hypermnesta w/consort Lynceus

6.2 Lindus

6.3 Ialysus

6.4 Caneirus of Rhodes

6.5 The Danaids Abas



PYGMALION w/w Aphrodite (Galatea) -O


PAPHUS w/w Metharme -O


CINYRAS, the founder of Cyprian Paphos.

Note: Ethnological mixture.

POSEIDON: Progenitor of the Sidonians.

LIBYA: Ruler Queen of Egypt and Lybia, and wife of Poseidon.

AGENOR: King of Canaan and Phoenicia.

BELUS: King of Babylonia, Egypt and Arabia.

EUROPE: Queen of Crete.

CADMUS: King of Thebes, Rhodes, Thrace, Samothrace and Thera.

PHOENIX: Name used for Phoenicia.

AEGYPTUS: King of Egypt and Arabia; father of the Arabians, Melampodes of the

Egyptians, Lydians and Phoenicians, along with Phoenix.

DANAUS: King of Argos at Rhodes; Father of the Danaids, Danaans, Haiads, Hamadryads, Memphites of

Egypt and the Ethiopians.


The ethnologies show the Poseidon-Lidya genealogy of the Hellenic tradition to be a mixed linguistic one. Dr. John Pilkey says,


"This genealogy appears rather eclectic and international, to begin with,

because one of its members, Belus, is evidently the Middle Eastern Bel-Marduk;

another, Phoenix, the 'eponymous ancestor' of Phoenicia; and another, Cadmus,

the alleged channel of the Phoenician alphabet into Greece. Conventionally, the

genealogy is supposed to represent a Hellenic interpretation of certain foreign

Asiatic motifs...furnishing some of the only insight into the genetic connection

between the Javanites of Genesis-10:4 and Noah's family." (32)


Some of the identifications of Dr. Pilkey are:




Danaus = Rodan = Rhodes, Danaans

Phoenix = Tarshish = Phoenicians


Polydorus = Khetm/Kitl = ?

Agenor = Amor = Amorites

Poseidon = Sidon = Canaanites/Sidonians


The name Belus, in its many variations, is found all over the ancient world: Carthage, Sidon, Phoenicia, Tyre, Syria, Assyria, Egypt and Mesopotamia. The temples and cities of Belus or Baal are also found everywhere in these same places. They were the worship centers of the Bull Apis or The Bull of the Zodiac. (33) The ancient city Baalbek or Belbac in Syria is named after him and it was also called by the Greeks, Heliopolis, after his Greecian name, Helios. Both mean "the Sun", hence, the Temple of the Sun. (34) The Hebrews called it Baalath and located it in Coelesyria, about the upper Orantes River area. (35) The most famous city named after him is Babel or Nanylon on the Euphrates River. Tradition says, it was founded by Nimrod soon after the Flood, yet, some say it was founded by Belus, whom they say is Nimrod. (36) As mentioned before, his name is found in Phoenicia in a river named Belus. (37) Another variant in the Hindu Bali or Baba, (38) which can be found designating various Temples and places: Maha-Bali-pore, south of Madras and Bali or Cristna of upper India. Other places where his name can be found are: Carthage, in Han-ni-bal and Asdru-bal; Bretagne in the name Belinus and in Bal-timore and Bal-linasloe in Ireland. (39) Agernon Herbert, in his "Nimrod", describes the Temple of Baal or Bel, from the middle of which rose a tower temple, "templum" or "coelum", a space of ground set apart for the contemplation of the sky. This name was transferred to other public places of worship in as much as they were symbols of heaven. He further says,


"The Mount of Babel typified only the heaven upon earth, or the seat of the

Divine Presence; 'the Stars of God'. It was also a copy of the Mountain in

Paradise (as well as Ararat). (40)


In much the same way the High-Place of the Lord in Jerusalem was a symbol and similitude of the same glorious mountain in imitation of which the Tower of Babel was erected.









"The Sun itself withholds his glow

The Wind in fear forbears to blow;

The Fire restrains his wonted heat

where stands the dreaded Ravana's

feet." ---Griffith's Ramayana


In the famous Hindu Epic Ramayana, Ravana is depicted as the evil King of the Rakshasa people of Sri Lanki(Ceylon), and the antagonist of Prince Rama, son of Dasaratha, King of Ayodhya. He was born to Visrava by Kaikasi, along with three other brothers: Kumbhakarna, Surpanaka and Vibhishana. Some elements of his biography are: Mandodari was his wife, the daughter of Maya(Lakshmi); one of his sons was Indrajit.

Ravana was infamous for his suppression of the Sagas and Devas and was the protagonist of the Kings of the World, such as Anaranya, an early King of Ayodhya, and even the great Indra himself. Ravana was a world conqueror to such a great extent, that at one time even Indra was taken prisoner by him. The God Brahma though, persuaded him to release Indra. This was the power he had over even the greatest gods. He even also battled with the Monkey People, but suffered many defeats. They were a powerful people. The story goes: Because of his evils, the Devas prayed to the Lord Vishnu for help and were given a promise that a great conqueror Prince (Rama) would be born to King Dasaratha, who would defeat the evil Ravana. Rama was later born as The Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu, as the prophecy had promised.

The Ramayana Epic of the Hindus is about the evil exploits of king Ravana and his eventual destruction by Prince Rama and the Monkey people. Ravana's birth and lineage is clearly illustrated in the accounts and is one of the most important traditional records detailing early Noahic genetics.

Ravana was born to the patriarch Visrava, the son of Pulastya, also known as Marici, and to the Matriarch Kaikasi--the daughter of Sumali and Sukesi. Kaikasi's sister also just so happens to be Mandodari.

Visrava also had another son named Kubera(Kuvera) by Devarni (also called Devavarana and Ilabila). Visrava was the son of Pulastya, the son of the great Prajapati, who was the son of Manini. Visrava had two wives. One was named Kaikasi and the other Ilabila. By Ilabila he begot Vishravana, who according to the text, was none other than

Kubera. He was also called Ailibili, after his mother. He was also the half-brother of


Ravana's consort was Sumali's daughter Mandodari. One of his sons by her was Indrajit or Indrashatra, the second Indra; He was also called Ravani, and in the Vedic Scriptures is called Renenti the son of Surya(Martanda).

Ravana had many other names just as our Babylonian Marduk had. (42) The Vedic Reventi or Reventa was the son of Vivasvant and Samjna the duplicates of Ravana and Mandodari. Vivasvant's name, like that of Surya and Ravana, means "shinning forth", "brilliant" and "the Sun". (41)(See also Hindu Myths: p. 67-70, 46, 60,61,65-67.) In a later section on King Dasaratha, Reventa's identity will be demonstrated to be Dasaratha himself!, who aspired to be the second Indra, like Indrajit. It appears that all these persons had many names, different names according to the different dialects and time periods in Hindu history.



Karna appears in the Great Mahabarata Epic, apparently as a duplicate of the evil King Ravana of the Ramayana Epic. Karna plays out a very similar role as the antagonist Ravana. Karna, as the Mahabarata Epic goes, was the son of the Albino pygmy Pandu and his consort wife Kunti. Pandu, now, was the father of the great Panadava Race that fought in the great Mahabarata Epic War. He was allied with the Kauravas in the war that took place in Western India around the Indus, Persia, and even as far as Modern Iran.

Karna's mother was the daughter of the King named Surasena, the MAHABARATA Epic duplicate of the Ramayana Epic's Sukesi, the older Vedic traditional Sage 'Daksa'.

As the Indian story goes, Karna's promises to his mother, not to kill any of her Pandava relatives, falls short when it came to his enemy Arjuna, the hero of the War.. Karna was the king of Anga(China), a country, according to the Buddhist's geography associated with China, but according to other scholars, Sri Lanka [ See Anga: 'Geography of Early Buddhism', by Bimala Churn Law, Bhartiya Pub., House, by Shri V.S. Singh Varanasi, India. p. 6-8 ].

Kunti received her name from her foster father Kuntibhoja. Her real and original name was Prtha. She was the consort wife of Pandu and also appears under the names of Prishnu, Pritha, Aditi and Diti, as well as Devaki, and is also the apparent duplicate of the Ramayana Kaikasi. She was also the Sage Kasyapa'a wife, Kadra.

It is evident that she is also the consort Kausalya, the mother of Ravana, in the Ramayana Epic, as a well as the mother and great grand mother of Rama! For added interests, she was the sister of the great Vasudeva.

According to Karna's birth legend, Radha adopts Karna after his rescue from his famous basket ride down the river Ganges?, similar to Sargon's legend. She renames him Vasusena. This was his first adopted name as an infant, while his name Karna, was a later name. Vasusena is the one, who in later times, became "The Mighty Surya" the Sun God and the Legendary Karna. Therefore, from comparing the Mahabarata and Ramayana, we have TWO Surya's and TWO Sun Gods of Lanka or Anga, Karna and Ravana.

Karna's birth legend and basket ride is interestingly similar to and parallel to the Near Eastern myth of Sargon the Great, of Agade. Mrs. Kunti, his mother, is shown chanting a Mantra to obtain a child, because Pandu had 'supposedly' died before any child could be born to her. But, the myth states a present and apparent contradiction. She obviously had already had relations with Pandu BEFORE he died. Pandu's death was caused by a curse put upon him by a forest creature/person, who he had shot with an arrow, by accident.This creature cursed him that he would die, if he ever was to have any sexual relations with any of his wives. This shows us he is dead AFTER he had had relations with Kunti. It is obvious now why Kunti is found with child. Pandu dies only before Hunti bares the child Karna. The story makes it clear that it was his child, afterall.

Vidure or Vidura was pandu's brother, the son of Vyasa and Satyavati's Maid. Vidura, a kasyapa, attended the cremation furneral of Pandu and help in the funeral rites.

The baby Karna is then shown being shoved adrift in a reed boat, like little Moses, and floated down the river, wherein he reaches the Camparur by way of the river Ganges, into the country of the Sutas. Here Adhiratha or Surasena and his wife Radha find him along the river bank and adopt him as their son. The child grows up, moves away, and is seen later warring with Arjuna, the hero of the MB Epic War.

The genealogy of ravana and Karna is very alike and should be further researched for refining the few difficulties and inconsistances out. The comparison chart is as follows:





Sukesi (Daksa)


Sumali d. Kaikasi


Kaikasi (Diti, Aditi?) w/consort Virava


Ravana (Surys, Vedic Martanda)




Vicitravira King Surasena, foster father King Kuntibhoja

Pandu w/w Kunti Ashiratha w/w Radha

Karna (Vasusena, Radhya, adopted by above and renamed Vasusena).


The birth legend of Karna is amazingly similar to that of Sargon the Great as well as Moses of the Genesis Account. It also find similar parallels in the Japanese legends of the mythical histories in the Kojiki Account under the name of "SuSaNoWo", the Leach Child or SUN Lad. There are other inported Greek legends that are similar, as well, showing the universality of the myth among the ancients. (43)

The Sargonic legend (44) is a much fuller account than the Hindu, which lends the Hindu account as a later adaptation from the earlier Near Eastern Account. In most elements, they are all the same, but for name changes in adaptation.

The most interestinmg statements of Sargon are, that is mother was " a changling", while he says, "my father I knew not."

"My Mother was a changeling; my Father I knew not.

My changeling Mother conceived me, in secret she

bore me." (45)


The above expresses a possibility that his mother exiled him down the river, like Moses and Sargon, for political reasons we are not yet sure about. Ther appears no indications as to whether the term "changeling" refers to a social or political or even a genetic reason. What is clear is that is ended up being a geographical change as well as an adoptive change. The giving over of Karna to Radha is some form of paternalistic change, as he becomes the son of a new father, as well as a new mother. The "changeling" idea may mean that of Kunti allowing the child to be given over to who ever finds him, as Radha did, suggesting her rejecting her motherhood of Karna. The act taken may have some baring on her being, herself, an adopted daughter of Sumali in her Ramayana setting as the figure Kaikasi. Note the similarities of the accounts:



Western Version Eastern Version Ramayana Vers. Mid Eastern Japanese

Assyrian Hindu Epic Hindu Epic Genesis Kojiki

Euphrates basket down Ganges basket down Nile same basket rides

Found by Found by Surasena found by Pharoah

knew not father (lacks this detail)

Foster Mother Radha Foster Mother Radha

Named Radha/Radhe Named Radha

Later Surya Later Surya

Ruled Anga Ruled Lanka


The basket motif is exactly the same in all the legends. All: Sargon, Karna, Moses and Susanowo were abandoned down a river in a basket. All were adopted by a new family. Each were put through scholls of sorts. All were given new names. All left and moved on to rulership and conguests.

In the Western version Assyrian version, Sargon is found by Akki, the Water Drawer. Sargon becomes Akki's gardener. This is the Assyrian version of the Hindu Epic Aryan Adhiratha or Surasena. Sargon's claim that he never knew his father appears to detail Karna's biography, which is lacking these details. It appears that Karna could have never known his father either, for Pandu died before he was born. The adoption stories connect the two somehow, not yet clear to this writer.

Radha, now, is the name of the foster mother of Ravana, hence Ravana's adoptive name of Radhya. Karna's adoptive mother was also called radha. Thus, the Ramayana and Mahabarata are two different dialictical versions of the same story, tying the two togther as the same person. An interesting notation is, that the Mahabarata mentions the Ramayana Epic, as well as alludes to this fact.

The extensive list of karna's names or surnames demonstrates that Ravana, karna and Surya are all the same figure. In his first 4th and 5th names, the root word is 'aditya', a name he gets from his Vedic Mother, Aditya. In his next 11th-12th names, the root is 'kaunte' and 'kunti', obtained from Kunti. The next 19th-21st names, the root is 'radha' and 'radhe', from his foster mother Radha. His 25th-27th names, the root is 'surys', a name he gets from his possessing the Sun God Title. Both the names Radha and Surya were names of Ravana and Karna!, thus proving they are the same figure. His list of names are in footmote (46).



In the Hindu Epics and Puranic Histories, Surya is called the Sun and holds in common, with Ravana and Karna, the names Aditya, Vivasvan. Arka and Visvavasu. Another title obtained from his ancestors is Savitri. He also aquired the title name of Prajapati, meaning " Lord of Creatures", a name he shares with his father, Prajapati-Kasyapa and the other Rishis or Sages. He father was also called Dyaus-Pitar.

Surya typified the Sun, because of his GOLDEN NATURE. He was the 'golden-eyed', 'golden-haired', 'golden-tongued' and 'golden-armed' god. Everything about him was 'golden'. He was also the "Eye of the Sun", 'The Lord of Eyes' and 'The Eye of Mitra, Varuna and Agni.' (47)

Of the Hindu Triad of the Sun--Surya, Agni and Vayu, Surya was the earliest and oldest of them all. One of his names that reveals his claim to the VISNU Line of Incarnations was Suraj-Narayan, a name meaning "Visnu occupying the Sun." He was also the 5th Visnu Incarnation in line from the 1st, Visnu-Narayana. At the earliest age, before Prince Rama claimed Rulership over the city Ayodhya, an ancient and mysterious and misplaced city, Surya-Suraj claimed the Royal Line and House of the Sun King. Surya's other names and titles were Sura, Haridasva, Mitra, Vivavasu, Ina and Tapana. (48) Some of his Zoomorphic emblems were the bird, bull and the eagle. (49) As Vavasvan or Vivasvat, he originally represented the rising Sun in pre-Vedic times. (50) He was also called Vivasvan-Adityah, who was the consort husband of Saranyu, the daughter of Tvastra. His names meant 'brilliant', 'shinning-forth', illuminator' and 'the Sun'. Surya as the brilliant Vivasvat is identified with the Persian Avestan or Vivanhvant, the father of Yima. Now, the Hindu Surya was the father of the underworld god Yama, the persian Yima!

Some of his more obscure names are LOKABANDHU and LOKABANDHAVA, names strikingly similar to the Near eastern LUGALBANDA of the First Eanna Dynasty of Ereck/Uruk---whom we have already identified as the the later Babylonian Bel-Marduk in legendary form. His other name Amshumali is a name that incorporates some kind of political intrigue, derived from one of his earlier contemporaries, Sumali, the son of Sukesa--a figure he displaced when he took conrol of the Solar Principle and Title of the Sun God. In other traditions, Sumala was the original Sun God Surya, the son of the Lunar King Daksa. Hence, Amshumali's adoption of Sumala's Solar Title name Surya. This Hindu tradition recalls the Near Eastern tradition of the Sun and Storm Gods, Marduk and Shamash, the latter being the son of the Moon God, Nanna.

Surya is also identified as the Vedic Martanda, the son of the matriarch Aditi. (51) He was the 8th son and was, as we say today, "the Black Sheep" ot the family. For, his mother exiled him at an early age to a far away place. This reminds me of the comparative connection of Sargon and Karna abandonment traditions.

As Martanda, he was also called 'the Sun God', 'the Celestial Bird Garutman.' (52) In the Vedic myths, Martanda is recorded as rebelling against his own mother and " yoking seven Bright Mares" to his side as political alliances. (53) Surya-Martanda was the father of four sons, the same sons of Surya: Asvins, Manu, Reventa and Yama! What a connection between tthe Epics and the Vedic Scriptures! For Surya's complete list of names see Footnote (54)





1. Mahavisnu

2. Brahma

3. Marichi

4. Prajapati-Kasyapa w/wife Kadra-Aditi



From the Agni Purana History From the Mahabarata Epic

5. Surya-------------------------------------------Vivasvan


Dhata Dhata

Varuna Varuna

Savati Savati

Tvasta Tvasta

Mitra Mitra

Vishnu Visnu

Sahasramsu Sukra

Tapana Amsa

Gabhasti Bhaga

Ravi Pusa

Parjanya Aryana

SURYA = Vivasvan-Darda

6. Vaivasvata-manu

7. Iksvaku, the 1st Solar King




1. Sanjna: Wife, mother of Asvin twins, daughter

of Visvakarma, or Tvashtri, the Hindu Vulcan.

2. Asvins: the Twins sons.

3. Ushas: a daughter, possibly Aurora.

4. Yama: son of Surya and Sanjna.

5. Chhaya: Surya's second wife.






1. Brahma Brahma Shem

2. Daksa Sukesa Arphaxad

3. - (Aditi) Sumali Obal

4. Aditi/Diti Kaikasi Uzal

5. Surya/Martanda Ravana/Surya Shelah




The the Semitic Ugaritic mythologies, El or Bull-El was called "The Strong One" and the "Father of Mankind", the "creator and Begetter of Creatures". He was the son Kothar or Ea, according to the Marduk identity. His Mother is not mentioned, but his consort wife is mentioned as the goddess Asharah, "The Lady who traversed the Sea." Some scholars have erroneously identified him with the Greek god Cronus, the Egyptian Ra and Anu, a somewhat idol and trivial god. His popularity declined sometimes around 2500 B.C. Bull-El resided at the source of the two rivers, "The Fountain of the Two Deeps", a very remote location. It was probably central Canaan, in the Country of Aphaca ( 'fountain'), the site of the Temple of Adonis. His other names were El, King Father, Shunem and Tr-Il. His lineage genealogy is:





BULL-EL (Marduk)


Mot Yomm Athtar ?



In the Hundu Epics and Puranic myths and histories, there is evidence for mass duplication of characters. The cultural isolation and language differences of all the tribes and peoples of the East, caused all the mythological figures to be copied under varied cognate and non-cognate names, thus creating what appears to be a larger mass of unique legends, yet actually only duplicating the same myths many times over.

An example is the Mahabarata Epic's duplication of the Ramayana Epic's figure Rama under the name of Arjuna. In the genaolgies of both, when compared, only the key figures match within about three decendants on both sides. This is evidence of a common origin and a duplication. Geneaolgical matches are very important to Genesis-10 research, when chronology is the subject of interest.

These duplications are also verified in other ways, such as stations, offices of importance, events and rulership positions. The Mahabarata is chronologically older than the Ramayana, because the Ramayana mentions the former Epic in its legends. The Mahabarata must be the source of the Ramayana, at least in many of the myths. The Ramayana though, lacks both the length and the details of the Mahabarata. For instance, it does not record the great "War In Heaven" sequence (which is more primitive), between Ravana and Indra--as does the Mahabarata. Yet, it does record the events following this sequence up to the the great Ramayana War between Ravana and Rama. Both these epics remind the mythographer and historian of the great Mesopotamian War mentioned in the Babylonian Epic of the Enuma-elis, a story of conflict between Apsu, Tiamot and the Tyrant Marduk. The parallels are astonishing and deserve much attention by historians. It would not be unreasonable to do a composite version between the three accounts to see the political differences and views of the three factions.

An interesting thing is that, where one is deficient in details, on certain points and intrigues, the others are detailed and fill in the missing pieces. In the ramayana, the childhood of Ravana is deficient, yet, in the Mahabarata his counterpart's (Karna) early history is fully detailed. Now, the opposite is also true with their adulthood lives.

The figures Ravana, Karna, Rama, Arjuna and others are decisive geneaolgical 'keys' for the interpretation and synthesis of a comprehensive history of those Noahic times. Both epic wars are the same, for the composes of the two epics mention this. They are two accounts recorded by two different recorders, or maybe, they are two accounts recorded from a long lost original document? What makes them unique though, is each have a different poetic goal. Each epic records the same figures, events and places but under different names.

In previous sections it has been shown etymologically and geographically, that the Sea god Poseidon is the Greek version of the Semitic Sidon, the son of Canaan--son of Ham. Geographically, the two are identified by the close proximity of the two sea ports Sidon and Poseidium, along the Mediterranian Syrian Sea coast. Poseidon and the Egyptian god Ptah have also been shown to be the same patriarch, but under different language stock names. They all have a claim as the Sea god over the Mediterranian Sea. Mr Albright identifies all these Sea gods as the same one: Poseidon, Ptah, Ea, Inki and Kothar, the Sidon of Genesis-10. Kothar is of Egyptian origin, as Poseidon is a Greek variant of the Semitic Sidon, and is a Syrian duplicate of Ptah. Kothar has been shown to be the Syrian version of the Hindu Kasyapa, "The Enthroned One". The Hindu epic Pandu, who was an albino pygmy and the father of Karna, appears to be the same as the Egyptian Ptah, who was also a pygmy type or deformed dwarf!

In each of these characters lives and marital relations, each gave birth to a "Sun God" son. Poseidon > Belus, Ea > Marduk (Lugalbanda), Kothar > Bull-El, Pandu > Karna (The Sun God Surya), Kasyapa > Surya and Visrava > Ravana (the Ramayana Sun God Surya.

The figures Ravana, Karna and Surya are identified through their common Solar title of Sun God. In the Hindu myths, Surya is the Universal Sun God. The Vedic writings call him Martanda, the Sun God, the son of Aditi. The the Ramayana Epic of later times, his identity is Ravana, the evil Tyrant of Lanka, the Great Surya. Another of his Vedic title names was Vivasvant, which means "the sun" and "brilliant". His earlier Mahabarata Epic name was Karna, and this is so, because of Karna's designation of "The Mighty Surya". He aquired this Solar title name when his foster mother named him Vasusena. These are all different lrgendary and mythical identifications of the biblical Shelah, the son of Sidon.

The two Epic figures, Ravana and Karna, are also identified by their foster names. Both are independantly named Radhya. the first is the son of Visrava and the second is the son of Pandu. This suggests also, that Pandu is a variant version of the Epic Visrava, the father of the Sun God. Radha, the wife of Adhiratha (the Ramayana Sumali), also supports this identification, for it is not a coincidence that this is the name of both mothers. Here are my compared indentifications:


KASYAPA = Visrava = Pandu

KADRA = Kaikasi = Kunti = Aditi

x = Radha = Radha

SURYA = Ravana = Karna = Martanda


As mentioned before, Martanda is the Epic Ravana and Karna. His mother was also Aditi, the Rmayana Kaikasi, Mahabarata Kunti and Prtha. Visrava is consequently Pandu and the Prajapati Kasyapa. The Puranic histories record Kasyapa and Kadra as the parents of Surya! Kadra is mentioned as another surname for Aditi/Diti. Some say Aditi and Diti are different. There is allowance for this, yet I maintain they are the same person.

Events also tell us something about their identification. Both Ravana and Karna are cursed by a powerful Brahmin priest; both have three sons; both capture and rule over Lanka and other cities; both are eternal enemies of Indra; both flee from major battles, when they should have stayed; both usurp royal titles and world power and both are slain or defeated by an epic hero.

One of Surya's many titles was Lokabandha, an Indian name very etymologically similar to the Sumerian legendary figure Lugalbanda, the emissary of Erech/Uruk to Aratta, who is the legendary version' of the epic creation story figure Marduk. This is explained as follows:


WEST(Near Eastern Version) EAST(Aryan East Indian)




Notice: The SEA GODS all begat SUN GODS. The SUN GODS are all identified by their Solar Titles:

1. Poseidon: The Sea God of the Greek Myths, who begat Belus or Bel, the Sun God.

2. Kasyapa: The Hindu "Enthroned One", who begat Surya, the Hindu Sun God.

3. Visrava: The Hindu god of the Ramayana Epic, who begat Ravana, the

Surya Sun God of the same epic.

4. Pandu: The Mahabarata Epic albino pygmy, who begat Karna, "The Mighty Surya".

5. Ea: The Babylonian Water God of Wisdom , who begat Marduk or

Bel-Marduk, "The Sun of Heaven".

6. Kothar: The aquatic ruler of Crete, the island of the Bull, who begat

Bull-El, "The Bull of Heaven".


Notice that Belus is the Greek Sun God, as his name is used to denote Babylon or Ba-Bel-On, "The City of the Sun God Bel", or Belus. He is the Greek Jupiter-Belus, the Phoenician Bell )The Sun), and Bel Marduk, the Babylonian "Sun of the Heavens", who is correlated to be the Syrian "Bull of Heaven", Bull-El.

Therefor, as Bull-El is to Marduk, so Marduk is to Lugalbanda. For, in the earliest times, in the legendary period, before he came to be renowned as Marduk, he was call Lugalbanda. He was at that time only a hero figure, a military leader of great fame, who fought and won many battles for Erech. His name at birth was Marduk, yet he was commissioned by the military and called Lugalbanda--for what reasons I do not know at present. Whatever the reason, it found to be the same with Surya, who is called Lokabandha or Lokabandhu.

As for Belus, the Greek Sun God, he is shown to be the Greek equivalent of the Bible's Baal or Baali, the Bel of the Apocrypha's "Bel and the Dragon". Some scholars say, that this apocryphal writing is a carry-over tradition from the Babylonian Captivity times. The Hebrews must have adopted the story from Babylonian texts and converted them into their own stories. The Story seem to relate to the Babylonian variant story of Bel-Marduk and his war with the great Sea Serpent Tiamat or Belili, who he gets his name of Bel from.(55)

He is called in diverse places Beel, Baal, Beelphegor, Beelzebub and Belzeman.(56) He is also called the Egyptian zodiacal Bull-Headed Apis, Moloch and Thames.(57) The Canaanites called him Baal-Spalisha, the Self-Existent Triplicated Baal.(58) The Syrians remembered him under the name of Teshup and by the Greeks, Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon. The Iberno-Celtic people recall him as Baal-Lord, Zab-Death or Lord of Death(60), and Bol-Smin, the Lord of heaven. (61) He is also called by the Assyrians and by the Ancient Irish , Ball or Bol, which is a copy of the Syrian and Phoenician Bel and the Gaul's Belinus. (62) The Hebrew and Chaldean Baal(Bol), was written by the Syrians, along the Mediterranean Coast, as Bel, a variation only being made in the vowel. But, the name was changed even more when the Syrio-Pelasgians, who, when leaving the Near East for Greece, changed the "B" into a "P". Hence, the names Pelorus, Pel-aour, the Self-Existent Fire, the son of Isis. (63) Pul, Pol and Pal are also associated names.

Maybe Poland gets its name from this ancient etymology? Consequently, from them, came the Bel or Belinus into the West.

According to Agernon Herbert and Col. Wilford, two early mythographers of the last century, Belus is the Hindu Beli or Bala, interestingly, another name for Buddha. (65) Some others call him Belus-Nimbrodes, identifying him as Nimrod.

According to the legends, Beli contended with the Thunder-Bolt God Indra for equality and supremacy in the Horse Sacrifice called the Aswamedha. The story goes, that whoever could sacrifice a horse for the hundredth time, would become equal to Indra--who, according to Herbert, is Jupiter-Ionans. Herbert should have suspected, as do, that he was really Noah. Now, for this reason alone, Indra always did his best to prevent the horse sacrifice by another god, hence his carrying off the sacrificial horse at many of the sacrifice festivals. Hence, Indra's infamous name as the horse thief. However, the myths state at one time, he was NOT successful in preventing this Beli/Bala or Balarama from completing the hundredth sacrifice. Not the following:


[Beli] put the supremacy of the Devas (Gods) to proof, at the time when the

Padma-Mandira [Tower of babel] was being built upon the banks of the Cumudvati

River [Euphrates] in Babylonia. (66)


Sir Williams Jones and Agernon Herbert, in their "Asiatic Researches" and "Nimrod" were at a loss when it came to available data on the subject of the Hindu myths. Thus, they both could not fully extrapolate the biblical identity of Noah from the character Indra. Yet, it is now obvious that this is the case. If the myth is contemporary with the Tower of Babel and record this event, then, as Noah was supreme until the Tower of Babel, so, Indra must be Noah, as he is only supreme until Beli overpowers him with the horse sacrifice. I believe this is the case, for the time is set with the mentioning of the building of the Padma-Madira. It is suggested in Genesis that Nimrod, Shelah, Canaan, Cush and Ham established Babylon in defiance of the Noahic System, commissioned by God. Scripture makes it clear that God was opposed to the Tower System of the Hamitic faction, which included the Sidonian, Canaanite, Cushite and Nimrodian alliances.

The problem now is to identify Beli or Belus as either Nimrod or Shelah. The older mythographers identified him with Nimrod. Agernon Herbert makes too much of Nimrod. Almost every God, that ever existed, was "Nimrod". Herbert does a great job when it comes to Nimrod's traditions, but what of the other patriarches? Remember, there are 70 plus other patriarches in the Tenth Chapter of Genesis, not just one Nimrod.

I have found, from new evidence obtained from Robert Graves' Greek Myths, that the more probable identity of Belus is the descendant patriarch Shelah, son of Sidon, and not Nimrod. The evidence in support of this is, that Belus was the vanquisher of the matriarch Belili, from whom he obtained his victor's name, Beli, probably at this time, changing his name Helios to Bel. Graves says, in support of my contention, that Belili is the Palestinian and Mesopotamian goddess Demaphonion or Rhea, the Greek Phyllis, who resembles the Babylonian consort of Apsu--the Sea Serpent Monster Tiamat. (67) Babylonian myth says Marduk was the vanquisher of Tiamat who's other name was Belili, Apsu's wife. Thus, Beli or Belus, our Marduk, was the opposer of Tiamat. He took the title of Beli or Belus from Tiamat, for its creator-ship powers, and also took another of his 'power' names from Ea, his father, who had stolen it from Apsu's wife Tiamat. Marduk then became the New Sun God Creator. In acquiring these new names and credentials, he also acquired or usurped Tiamat's surname, the masculine form being, 'Bel'. Thus, the new compound name Bel-Marduk. Mr. Graves went further in identifying Belus, than any other mythographer. Yet, nevertheless, he fell short in Identifying Noah, among all this conflict, as well as mis-identifying Belus with Nimrod. Where Sir William Jones, Agernon Herbert, Godfrey Higgins and others fell short, Graves not only mis-identified Belus, but missed identifying Apsu with Noah. An obvious identification when one looks at the comparative charts.

The Hindu and Greek myths all come out of a near Eastern 'pool' of tradition, just as L.A. Waddell says. (68) According to Cicero, the Hindu Hercules was known as Belus. He was the same, says Higgins, as the Bala of the Hindus, the brother of Christna, who was worshipped by the Suraseni people at Mutra or Methors. He was called Balarama and Balas, the Indian counterpart of Belus. (69) He was said to have come from Vishnu or Heri, thus Heri-culas, Heri-cules.(70) Balarama, interestingly, is another name of the father of Dasaratha, the father of the Epic Hero Rama. He is a variant mythological version of Surya-ravana, who apparently is also a version of the Babylonian Marduk--as we have shown. Mr. Andrew Took, in his Pantheon of Gods, records that Belus' parentage was questionable, and that,



"the Assyrians (Hindu Asuras) and Babylonians worshipped and called

Jupiter by the name of Belus; and because of uncertainty of his descent,

they believed he had neither father or mother. He was therefore, considered

the first of all the Gods." (71)


This fits exactly the same traditions of the Belus counterparts Surya, Ravana (Dasaratha's father), who he never knew, as well as Marduk, which we have previously discussed.

Baal, the Bull-Headed God, the Bull-El of the Ugaritic tradition (the Greek Minos), is called Balahadra as well as Balarama. He was the elder brother of Christna and is evidently an incarnation of the Sun, as was Surya, Ravana, Martanda and Marduk. He is probably the modifier of the descendant Sri-Rama. "Sri" is also found in the Surya of India, which is Buddha, the 'sur' or oriental word for Bull, from which also Suria or Syria got its name and where Baal worship derives from. He was a Tyrant ruler and was eventually conquered by his brother.(72) He is also identified as MahaBeli and MahaBul, the god with a bull's head.(73) Belus is without a doubt, the Ugaritic Tr-Il, the Syrian Bull-El, the Babylonian Bel-Marduk and the Sumerian Asalluhe (74), the Indian Surya, Ravana and the Epic Karna, the Beli or Bala of the Hindus. Here is the chart, as usual:



Maternal Lineage:







Paternal Lineage:








Shelah as Surya-II is also called Vivasvant, Vivasvat and Vivasvan. Ravana's other names are Karna, Surya, Vivasvant, Rahu, Radhya and Martanda.