The Pivotal Matriarch of the New Lineage-The Great Goddess


Inanna (26a)-Sumerian........................................................................................166

Ishtar (26b)-Sumerian.........................................................................................172

Damkina (27)-Babylonian...................................................................................173

Aphrodite (28)-Grecian......................................................................................173

Venus (28b)-Roman...........................................................................................173

Ino (28c)-Grecian...............................................................................................173



Kailasi(29a)-Hindu/Ramayana Epic....................................................................176

Aditi(29b)-Hindu/Vedic Scriptures.....................................................................177


Comparisons and Conclusions............................................................................180



In the Ramayana Epic Kaikasi is the wife of Visrava and the mother of the evil tyrant Ravana (the Babylonian Bel-Marduk). The Ramayana records some details about her relations with Visrava. The story goes as follows: Kaikasi approaches Visrava and requests that he bare her sons. The Sage replies that ‘Rakshasas’ would be born to her and that the third son would be a good soul. Later, Kaikasi gives birth to Ravana, Khumbakarna, Surpanaka and Vibishana. Kubera was also born as an elder brother to Ravana, but by another Matriarch. Kubera became the God of Wealth and the ruler of Lanka (Ceylon). The epic records Ravana taking Lanka from Kubera. Kaikasi is remembered in the epic genealogy as a very important and prominent figure.

She is also the Rig Veda goddess Aditi, the mother of the Sun god Martanda. Martanda appears to be a more ancient version of Ravana. The stories and symbolism have many similarities between the two records, thus giving us a more complete picture of this evil Ruler and Matriarch.

Unlike the previous goddess, Kaikasi is figured as a very prominent matriarch. Yet her isolation within the cultural tradition of the Hindus requires us to go to other records and myths to connect her to Sidon. We derive her correct identification with Sidon by comparing the Grecian and Near Eastern myths and legends.


In comparing the Hindu myth with Greek and Near Eastern, we find Kaikasi in the figures Inanna, Ishtar, Asherah, Aphrodite and Venus all goddesses of sex, filth, love and everything genetic. She is the most fruitful of goddesses! Her identity as such is much enhanced by her consorts the Sea God, the Enthroned One and the ‘Poseidon- Kothar- Kasyapa’ identity equation.




Greek: POSEIDON ========= Lybia




Babylonian: ENKI / EA ========== Damkina




Mahabarata Epic: PANDU =========== Kunti


Karna (Surya)


Puranic History: PRAJAPATI ========Aditi (Kadra)



Surya (Vivasvan)


Ramayana Epic: VISRAVA ========= Kaikasi








Aditi is the most outstanding goddesses within the Rig Veda Scriptures. Her place in the pantheon is one of the highest, for she is the personification of freedom from bondage. (32) Her name is used to express the infinite.

The Rig Veda claims Aditi is the mother of the gods and The Adityas ‘sons’. (33) Her close identity with other Love Goddesses is most apparent after comparing the figures Isis, Ashtart, Demeter and Cybele. They are all mother of the gods. (34) The Vedas also say she is the Supreme Consciousness in opposition to Danu ( ‘Diti’, or ‘divided consciousness’) the mother of the serpent Vrtra and of the Danavas; the evil enemies of the gods. (35) She is the daughter of Vasus and the sister of Aditya.(42)

Aditi is ‘Queen of Heaven’ and even ‘heaven’ itself (a very similar cosmological symbolism to other Queens of Heaven), becaus she is the ‘Matrix’ from which all things spring forth. (36) As Matrix , she fits all the qualifications of a postdiluvian matriarch. As a postdiluvian matrix, Aditi is the womb from which came five kinds of beings: The Gandharvas, Gods, Asuras and Rakshasas, as well as the Yashasas, Apsaras, Mankind and Serpents. (37) Mr. M. P. Pandit suggests she is the Egyptian Goddess Neith, the Mother of the City of Sais. In each case, both claim that they are "all that is born and all that is to be born". (38) Her consorts are Ritam or Satyam (Truth in Manifestation).(39)

Hindu myths compare her to a ship , an aquatic symbol found in the descriptions of her consorts Ea, Inki, Kasyapa, Visravas, Poseidon and Ptah. All have an aquatic nature in that they claim or are associated with some great Sea or Ocean, such as the Mediterranian Sea. She is the Divine Vessel that navigates the waters of existence.(40) In the figure of Prishni she is the mother of the Rudras or Maruts, the Storm Gods and the Dappled Cow. Aditi has many symbolic motifs with one of especial interests. She is "Ray-Cow" (43), the ‘Cow of Light’ that cannot be slain.(44)




From the myths of Syrian Ugarit, Shapsh plays the role of the Sun Goddess or "The God’s Torch", a fine parallel to the Hindu Ray-Cow or Cow of Light. According to mythographic comparisons, she appears to be Astronoe the Sidonian consort of Eshmun (Shulman, the Syrian Resheph). The ancients knew her to be the Ishtar of Nineva, who modern scholars compare to Sumerian Inanna. The Egyptian version of her is Astar-huru the Hittite-Ugaritic -Assyrian –Hurrian consort of Sulmanuha. The latter name is also pronounced Sulmanuhi, Samnuha and Samanminuhi.




Hebrew Uzl (Uzal) Sidon (son of Canaan)

Syrian Shapsh (Shapuna) ------

Sidonian Astronoe Eshmun

Ninevite Ashtar Shulman

Grecian Aphrodite Poseidon

Egyptian Astar-huru Sulmanuha

(Hittite, Ugartic, Assyrian, Hurrian) (Sulmanuhi, Samnuha and Samanminuhi)




  1. SUMMERIAN Inanna (Innin, Ninanna).

  1. daughter(d.) of Anu

  2. d. of Nanna, the Moon God

  3. d. of Enlil.


  1. SYRIAN(Hebrew) Asherah(Ashteroth).

(None. Also known as Shapuna and Dido)



  1. Phoenician d. of Ouranus

  2. Egyptian d. of Ptah

  3. Syrian d. of Kothar

  4. Syrian d. of El

The Consort of:

1. Cronus (Melcander, Molosh, Belus, Baal)

2. Chrysor (Hephaestus, Vulcan)

Sister to:

  1. Rhea and Dione.


  1. BABYLONIAN Ishtar(istar, Ashteroth)

(None mentioned. Also known as Inanna, Innina).

Consort: Anu



E. GREEK Ahprodite

1. d. of Oceanus, called Nemesis

    1. d. of Zeus and Dione

    2. d. of Cronus and Euonyme

    3. d. of Ouranus and Hemera


    1. d. of Coelum

    2. d. of sea foam, mother of Cupid

    3. d. of Jupiter –Zeus and Dione

    4. d. of (same as the Syrian Astarte)


F. UGARITIC (Sidonian) Shapsh(Astronoe)

(Not mentioned)


  1. HINDU Kaikasi

    1. d. of Sukesi and Sumali



(Not mentioned)




The Babylonians and Assyrians call The Queen of Heaven Ishtar, while the older Sumerians referred to her as Inanna or Innina. Both claimed the planet Dilbat or Venus for their planetary symbol. In earliest times Ishtar replaced Anu’s consort Antu, becoming the most prominent goddess of the Ancient World. Inanna-Ishtar is also Damkina the consort of Ea-Nudimmud-Inki by way of the Akkadian and Sumerian identification of Ea with Inki. Nudimmud and Inki were the same God of Wisdom and Water, which clearly reveals Inanna-Ishtar’s identitiy with Damkina the mother of Marduk.Ishatr’s consort is the Assyrian Ninevite Shulman, also pronounced Sulmanuhe by the Egyptians, Sulmanuhi by the Hittites and Samanminuhi as found in Hurrian writings. He is the consort of Astronoe the Sidonian version of Ishtar. Astronoe was the Egyptian Ashtar-huru, whom was later fused into Asherah(Aphrodite), the biblical Ashtoreth. Her most famous cult center was at Caria (or Ninoe in earlier times) , which is apparantly Ishtar’s city Hinuwa or Nineveh. Ishtar-Astarte is also the Puresati or the Philistine goddess Pyrrha, the mother of the Cretans, whom is said to have came to this place by way of Cilicia. (Graves 38.3) She is remembered in the compound name Achilles-Pyrrha, who appears to be Nimrod the son of Peleus. She is also remembered as Pyrrha-Neoptolemus the son of Achilles. Some see her ’Pyrrha-Ishtar’ as Semiramis the wife of Nimrod. The Hindu Brahmanda Puran remembers her under the name of AtaviDevi the goddess Attara, Ashtara, AshtaAtt or Ashtau, which means "eight", the number of the eight survivors of the Ark. The word "ara" means ‘spoke of a wheel’. Remembering Mt. Ararat, we therefore have Isht-ara or Ishtareth, which could mean "the ‘eighth’ spoke of a wheel" a clear illustration of Buddha’s "eight-fold path" or spoked wheel directions coming out of Mt. Ararat; a simile of the ‘eight directional points on a compass.



Hindu Kaikasi Kasyapa

Aditi, "heaven"

Diti, "divided"

Sumerian Inanna Enki



Syro-Phoenician Asherah-Shapuna El-Anu

Syro-Tyrean Dido




Hebrew Ashteroth, Naamah Carnaim

Aramaean Atargatis

Syrian Astarte Cronus

Syrian-Dea Chrysor


Hebrew Naamah

Ninevite Ishtar Anu/Shulman

Babylonian Dankina Ea

Sidonian Astronoe Eshmun

Egyptian Astar-huru Shulmanuha

Carthaginian Tennit

Phrygian Cybele

Attic/Assyrian Urania, Ourania

Roman Venus, Juno, Virgo

Greek Aphrodite Hephaestus



Athenian Amica, Hetaira

Spartan Armata

Cyprean Cypris

Cytherian Cypria, Cyprogenia


Cytheris, Cytherea

Sicilian Erycina

Homeric Ridens


Egyptian Scotia

Arabian/Persian Mitra

Thespian/Boetian Isis Priapus/Hermes

Homeric Pasiphae

Greek Nemisis


Cluacina, Idalia, Acidalia, Apaturia,

Melanis, Venus-Calva, Verticorda,

Venus-Libitina, Venus-Sepulchralis,

Victrix, Hortensis





36. ISHKUR, the Sumerian Storm God.

37. MUMMU, the Babylonian Vizier and son of Apsu.

39. BRAHMA, Hindu Storm God and son of Visnu.

40. HADAD/Baal, the Syrian-Ugaritic Storm God.

Comparisons and Conclusions.



Ishkur is the Storm God of Sumerian mythology as well as Lord of Thunder, Hail and Floods. His references are rare and lacking details. Yet, inferences suggest that he was the father of Nanna(Sin) the Moon God of the city of Ur. No mention is directly made about his paternity, though there are references made to his adoption by Enlil. Comparative mythology shows us that the Moon was always the son of a "storm" god or Sun God, but never an Air God.


37. MUMMU:

In the Epic of Marduk or Marduk Creation Epic –The Enuma-elis, Mummu is the companion and Vizier of the Water God Apsu. It appears from further studies that he is also the son of Apsu. His name is the same as that of Apsu’s consort, Mummu-Tiamat, known also as Mother Hubur: "Old Mother Hubur, went to the cupboard,…" Putting all humour aside, Old Mother Hubur was a real evil women (‘goddess’) that battled against Bel-Marduk for control of the entire ancient world. Though there are no direct references of him as a storm god, Mummu’s close relationship and Vizier-ship, as well as his son-ship, reveals his matching identity as Brahma, the East Indian Storm God. Mummu was present during the attack upon Apsu by the rebellious Enki(Ea), who put both parties under a magical sleep spell and, consequentially, stole Apsu’s sacred garments and relics of political authority. [ See the Book of Jasher, where Ham, Canaan, Nimrod alternately steal Adam’s Sacred garments from Noah, making them, alternately, the New Adamic figure and ruler of the World. This act of thievery ended at the destruction of the Tower of Babel.]




In those Three Persons the One God

was shown

Each first in place, each last-

not one alone;

Of Brahma, Visnu, Siva, each

May be

First, second, third, among the

Blessed Three.

--- Kalidasa. Hindu Poet.


Hail, primal blossom! Emypyreal gem!

Say what four-formed godhead came,

With graceful stole and beamy diadem,

Forth from thy verdant stem?

Full-gifted Brahma.

--- Sir William Jones, "Ode to the Lotus"


Brahma is the first of the three great Hindu gods and is called the Creator and Father of all men. His name in the Vedas is Prajapati, which means "The Lord of Creatures". He is the great god ‘born’ from the cosmic golden egg of Creation. (1) The Hindu accounts, the Puranics and Epics, describe his birth from this golden egg with much detail. They give slightly varied, but vivid accounts of his birth. For instance, the Mahabarata Epic tells us Brahma issued forth, not from a golden egg as the Puranas states, but from the wonderful Lotus Flower that originated out of the "navel" of the God Visnu. The Ramayana Epic alternately depicts him born in the form of a Boar lifting up the Earth from out of the cosmic waters of creation, a very similar story to Atlas of Greek mythology. (2) Brahma is called, like other gods, "The Creator", yet he is like Visnu or Visnu-Narayana, the ‘Moon of the Waters’ and is even named after Visnu-Narayana. He is ‘Brahma-Narayana’ the god who moves on the waters. This particular name appears to reflect his aquatic nature derived from his father Visnu-narayana or MahaVisnu, the Lotus Bound Deity. In the Visnu Purana he is called ‘The Monarch of the Brahmins.’(3)

Brahma was conceived and born from a golden womb and was born golden colored or yellow, as revealed in his birth name "Hiranyagarbha (‘gold’). (4) Brahma has a red color motif as well. For, he says of himself,


When Lord Narayana (Mahavisnu) continued to sleep

On the coils of the sea, an excellent lotus of huge size

came out of his (Visnu’s) navel. It was produced through

the umbilical lotus of Visnu. Thus it was that I became to

be known as the lotus-born (who was) conceived in a golden

womb. I had four faces and was Red in complexion…(5)


From this reference, Brahma’s pegmentation is red, or golden colored with a red face. An actual portrait would be iconographically foolish without some consideration of racial type. Brahma is not such a ‘god’ as to not have racial characteristics such as yellow and red pegmentation. I ancient symbolism the word ‘face denotes the paternal aspect, while the body complexion or pegmentation reflects the maternal genetics. Mahavisnu must be the offspring of two pegmentation sources: Foirst, his mother, Uma or "Sea" was ‘yellow’. His father most probably a more red color, such as with the Mongolian Chinese. Brahma is seemingly connected to the yellow oriental and Mongolian families. All other features are lacking. But, this is a major find among the ancient texts. Brahma was an oriental.

Geography plays an important part of identity verification. Brahma’s ‘abode’ in Hindu geography is the land to the North of Mount Meru (some say Sumeru) above the Northern Abode of the God Kubera the Treasury God of Wealth. Here is the Hindu geography icon of Brahma’s abode.















Brahma’s court was located ‘north’ of Mount Meru, which was the center of the World. This was the ‘heaven’ northward towards Tartary in the land of Curu (Kuru) OR THE Land of the Curavas. Curu was the land of the color copper or dark brown pegment. Other accounts say it was the Land of the red. (5) One of his heavenly cities located in this northern land was Mahodaya. Other accounts locate his abode or place of rule on Mt. Meru itself! (6)

Brahma was not only the ‘son’ of Indra (Mahavisnu), but was also his personal companion and Vizier. His Vedic religious-political stance was also like his father’s, yet at times he granted boons (wishes) to his father’s worst enemies.

The birth of Brahma is a colorful story filled with pre-flood imagery and flood myths, making Brahma a very old god. A god dating back as far as the Biblical flood, according to Hindu chronology. Overall, his story seems to contain two elements wrapped up into a single legendary intrigue. Brahma displaces the original Hindu Noah. Brahma seems to adopt the Hindu Manu (Noah figure) title in his acquiring the Creator identity. His birth records in the Devi Purana stste that he is born to the flood hero Mahavisnu. The Devi depicts Mahavisnu as laying on a banion leaf or lotus. The goddess Mahadevi appears to Mahavisnu and explains to him that from his navel, Brahma will be born. (7) Dr. Bergeigues explains the symbol of the navel as to mean "Father". Mahavisnu is shown saying,


There are in the high heavens seven rays; it is there to which

My navel extends; -The expression ‘the navel of man extended

up to there’ is to be understood in the vedic language as equivalent

to a "father" and that the father here is heaven itself. (8)


In the birth of Brahma this definition of the navel explains the curious myth where Brahma seems to issue forth from a lotus. The lotus also originating from the navel of Visnu, who represents the Navel. (9) The Vedas tell us that "Heaven is my father, my father who has given me birth; that is my navel; my umbilical cord, my mother is this great earth". (10)

In the Manusmrti manuscript Brahma is described as being born from an egg, an egg as radiant as the sun and the color of gold. Brahma is the great grandfather of all that is in the world, who took birth by himself in it. This ‘egg’ fell from god upon the waters, which was the first Creation. Brahma testifies to this: "I became a germ of golden colour. Creating a life… to become Brahma in the golden germ of the egg." He is known as the Pitamaha or Grandfather of the Manes, the Paternal grandfather of all the worlds. (11) He says in another verse, that "I (Brahma) am the Creator of the worlds… I am born of Vishnu." (12) Brahma was also ‘self-born’ being in an egg and born in the egg of creation. Like the Biblical Noah, Brahma was in this egg for ‘one year’, then he split the egg into heaven and earth and then left it.(13) The Linga Purana mentions that "…the Lord Brahma himself is born from a womb. The Lotus born deity of great splendor is born from an egg." The egg appears to be a representation of the Noahic Ark. Brahma’s Creation story of the egg, which differs somewhat from his birth from the navel of visnu, is analagous to the Ark experience. It seems to be a second birth for Brahma is said to be "twice-born". The Vamama Purana tells this story:


All the worlds were submerged in a single ocean of the great flood.

The germ of all living things formed itself into a big egg. Brahma

was inside this egg and went into a long sleep. When he woke up he

saw that the world was void. He thought of creating things.

He became the Purusa, the male creative energy. Knowing that the

World was lying in (under) pure water, he cut the egg open. Things

proceeded out of the egg, especially the glorious radiance of the sun

and then Brahma, the grandfather of the worlds came out from the

center of the egg. (15)


The Linga Purana gives another description of Brahma’s parentage, mentioning specifically his mother. It says that, "The Lord Brahma is born of Mahesvara,…" and that "…he is the son of Uma." (16) Mahesvara is another name of MahaVisnu, Vishnu-Narayana, better known as Indra and Mahendra. Uma is the consort of Indra and is also called Sesha the Great Serpent goddess Vishnu sits upon. Sesha seems to carry the imagery of the Sea or Ocean or Flood waters. Vishnu admits to Brahma, "You are born of the Lotus srung from my navel region. Therefore, you are my (genetic?) son." (17) This demonstrates Brahma to be the son of Indra-Vishnu-Narayana; the son of the Sun god Sakh, the Solar Father god Indra. (18)


  1. MAHAVISNU ======UMA, the Serpent Sesha.

  2. (Mahesvara,

    Visnu-Narayana, Mahendra,

    Indra, Sakh)

  3. Brahma


Brahma is mentioned under a variety of names that are relative to his different characteristics. He is called ‘Svayambhuva-Manu according to the Piranic histories (19) and is refered to as the "self-born god" who is born from himself. (20) He was self created (21) and was known also as the first manu progenitor of the human race in the Krta Age. (22) This refers to his birth from the Ark (egg) and not his pre-flood birth date. He was born first from Visnu or Indra, then twice-born (born a second time) from the golden egg or Ark. He was born twice or a second time, because he was born from the intrigue of the flood and from out of the Noahic Ark. Babylonian perversion or no, the egg is the Ark of Noah! It was translated into the symbols of an egg, womb or golden egg as his name ‘Hiranyagarbha’ attests to. He is called this because of his identity as the ‘golden embryo’ and’seed’ (23) because of his birth from the golden embryo or egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters. (24) This is similar to the motifs and symbols used for the Saviour in Scripture, where we see The Lord called a "tabernacle as from adopting the symbolism of the Ark of Noah as our salvation. So, as a foreshadow and a type of the Saviour, Brahma takes from his past the same events and transposes the symbolism upon himself as a motif of Messianic importance. The Biblical account attests to Shem, the son of Noah, as coming out of the Ark after the flood. In the Hindu (Babylonian perversion version trans-located to India) account, Brahma takes the names of what is most special to him: The Egg, the Seed, the Embryo. He is also called Purusa-Brahma, which means the First Embodied Being, the First Creator of all living beings. He was the first to be appointed by Vishnu or mahaVishnu (Noah) to begin the replenishing and repopulating of the new world after the flood. He is said to have existed at the beginning of the Universe (the post-flood world). Hence his Swan motif which carries along with it the symbolisms of a golden egg and his ‘tawny-color’ (25) as he himself says,


Vishnu assumed the form (incarnation) of a boar… and

Then I became a Swan immediately. (26)

[ The symbol of the Swan represents purity and discrimination.]


In the same tradition of that of Indra taking on all these symbols and motifs, Brahma is thus surnamed "Vishnu’. A name representing his incarnation as the second Vishnu Incarnation. He takes this new name (and Hindu’s have a well established tradition of changing their names) of Brahma-Narayana from Vishnu-Narayana, probably because of Vishnu handing it down to him. Vishnu-Narayana being the FIRST INCARNATION. This is very similar to Christ taking the title of the "Second Adam".

In the Kurma Purana Brahma (aftyer the killing of the demons Madhu and Kaitabha, whom he was afraid of) was asked by Lord Vishnu, sitting on the Lotus of the Cosmic Waters, to climb down from the Lotus of his Navel. Brahma obeys, climbs down (Leaves the Ark?), and through some religious and political principle of rulership, re-enters Vishnu’s body and becomes identical with his father Vishnu. The rulership and Creative power of the new world is given to him. Brahma therefore becomes Lord Brahma-Narayana. (27) This was the customary practice of the son to take on the name and attributes of his father. (28) The name ‘Narayana’ is a compound name derived from "naras" meaning ‘waters’. In the above tradition, Vishnu-Narayana assumes the person of or becomes Brahma-Narayana, who assumes the "tortoise" form in his new incarnation. (29) It is this title name, associated with the Ark and Flood, that is handed down from father to son. A handing down of authority from one to a second one. This name is based on the universal water motif from which more than one god received. (30) It is a title name refering to a specific kind of god, hero or creator synonymous with other titles like Vishnu, Prajapati and Kasyapa. The name Brahma-Narayana appears to identify Brahma as the god of the waters, for he is "The Lord of the Waters of Vishnu… The blessed Boar."(31)

The Garuda Purana (32) has Vishnu take up the form (descent motif) of Brahma and creates the univer or new world. The record says that at this time of creation, Brahma, as the Second Vishnu Incarnation, takes up the form of the Boar and, by means of his curved teeth, lifts up the earth and learns that it is (was) submerged in (under) water. Here Vishnu-I and Brahma-Vishnu-II creates and establishes a new world after the chaos of waters. Col. Wilford, in his research into Hindu myths, says that Brahma was called Parameswara (33) Other Asiatic reseaches also list other names, such as Candramas. (34) These also are important symbolic names refering to some aspects of Brahma’s career. Another name he has is "KA", which according to the Hindu mythographers, means "Who?" (35) They define it as the name of the Creator, said in later texts, to have been the name given to Prajapati Brahma by Indra himself. (36)

In the Puranics (37) Brahma is also called Apava and Vaira-Purusha, who married his own sister Satarupa and beagt, by her, two sons and a few daughters: Priyavrata, Uttanapada, Prasuti, Akuti and Kamya. The first of these last three daughters married Daksa, who was another son of Brahma.

In the Rig Vedas, the most likely candidate for Lord Brahma is the figure "Brhaspati-Brahma-aspati", who appears very similar to Brahma. He, again, is a close companion of Indra, if not his Vizier. Brahma has other names of less importance, though they may hold some unknown definitions. (p.39. Mani’s Puranic Encyclopedia) For instance: Brahma is called Caturmukha "the Four Faced One". (40) Brhaspati (Brahma) is the Lord of Prayer in the Vedic Scriptures. He is the friend and close companion of Indra (Noah). Like his father Indra, Brahma makes the rain fall and other weather disturbances. He also in "the common father of all men and gods." (38) Brhaspati appears to be an exact copy of the other Storms Gods of mythology, gods who cause weather pattern changes. Brhaspati therefore is the Vedic Storm God!

Brahma’s has many wives: Sarasvati, Satarupa (41) and another called "his thumb".(42) His offspring are: A. Marici, Angiras, Atri, Pilastya, Pulaha and the Kratu, his ‘mind-born sons. Also, Dhata and Vidhata, Rudra, Svayambhuva-Manu-II, Kandarpa, Kamadeva (Cupid); and Madhuka, Golika, Bhrgu, jamavan, Sanaka, Sananda, Santana, Sanatkumara and Daksa. (43)




40. BAAL-HADAD of Ugaritic Mythology:


Yamm says, ‘Surrender the god with a following,

Him who the multitudes worship: Give Baal to me,

So that I may lord it over him, Dagon’s son whose

Spoil I’ll possess.’

--- Pritchard. ANET. (1) III.AB.B.v.17-18, 37-39.

Baal, Hadad, as he was originally called, is the most active figure in Ugaritic (Canaanite) mythology.. From the above quotation, Baal or Hadad is the son of Dagon (the Fish-Man god), a fertility god worshipped in the earliest times along the Euphrates Valley. He was called Tuttul. The name Hadad was changed in later times to Baal-Lord and was identified , during the Hyksos period with the Egyptian Storm god, Seth. Baal was the Ugaritic Storm god and ‘King’ of Heaven and Earth. He was the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus and the Babylonian Marduk, who resided on Mt. Casius, ‘Saphon’ or Zaphon, in heaven. Mt. Zaphon was the Canaanite Holy Mountain Jebel-elAgra, north of Ugarit. From this they derived Baal’s names of Baal-Aephon and Hadad-Rimmon. Some of the titles that came of this are ‘triumphant Al-iyan’, ‘Baal thre Cloud Rider’ and ‘Majesty, Lord of the Earth.’ In the Ras Shamra-Ugaritic myths Baal Hadad appears as the Lord of the North just like the Hindu Brahma, Lord of the Northern Storms. Similar to the Greek Poseidon, he was the Mariner'’ Storm god and '‘rotector'’against sea storms. It is no wonderment to this writer that so many coastal locations, ports and cities were attributed names after him.

Baal was the consort of Pidraya ‘She of the Underworld’ and was asociated with Anath and Astarte-Ishtar in that Anath was Baal’s sister and consort, whom he raped on the sea shore. Whether this is true or is some political propaganda is still left unanswered. I would suspect it as a bit of propaganda. Nevertheless, people pay for their crimes, and gods seem to pay as well, for Baal falls ill as a consequence and as a punishment for his rape of Anath. How and what kind of illness it does not say.

Baal was also called by the Akkadians, ‘Adad’ and Mr. Albright ties this to the god Eleb or Eb, the god of the father and patron of ancestor worship. This also leads to another connection and identification with ‘Wer(Mer)’, ‘Iluwer’ and ‘Elwer’ of Mesopotamian mythology. This god was worshipped among the Syrians as ‘Op’, "One standing on a Lion’ with two serpents underneath. He therefore, was the god of the underworld as well. This standing upon two serpents suggests his opposition to serpent worship and serpent worshippers.

Baal is listed as having three daughters: Pidray (Philo’s ‘Peraia’) (also his consort), Tly and Allatum or Arsay. Arsay was an underworld goddess and consort of Nergal, who some say is Persephon. Baal Hadad is obviously the Babylonian Storm god Adad, the Hittite Storm god Teshub and the Syrian Resheph, the Hebrew Rimmon. His sacred number was ‘six’, while his sacred symbol was ‘lightning’. He is depicted holding in icons and imagery holding I his right hand a thunderbolt and his left hand an axe. He was known as the god who ‘holds a forked lightning’, which reminds of of the Teutonic god Thor who holds a ‘hammer’. His sacred animal motif is the Bull as well remembered in Cretan myths and history. His cult centers were located Babylon, Borsippa and Aleppo. (44) His brother was ‘Sin’, the Moon god according to Syrian myths. His names and titles run as long a list as his Hindu counterpart Brahma. He is ‘Puissant Baal’, ‘son of Dagon’, ‘Hadad’, ‘Hadd’, ‘Baal-Hadad’, ‘Aliyan-Baal’, and ‘Rider of the Clouds’. His consorts/wives were Anath (who begat him ‘Mat’ or ’Math’ and the Buffalo Wild Ox), Padriya, Talliya and Arisya. He had a sister named Anath; and it is hard to tell whether this is the same one as previously mentioned as his wife or not. (45) The genealogy is as follows:


DAGON ==== (w.?) w = wife

d = daughter

d. Anath s = son


s. BAAL ==== w. Anath ==== w. Padriya ==== w. Talliya ==== w. Arisya


s. MATH s. The Wild Buffalo

or The Wild Ox


Studies so far, show that Brahma was the favored son of Mahavisnu (Visnu-Narayana or Indra). In another record Brahma’s parentage is Heta and Parheta the ‘Primordial Couple’ that prodeeded out of Chaos, the cosmic waters of creation. According to Genesis Chapter-10 logic, the identification of Indra’s son Brahma with Noah’s son Shem is a simple matter of comparative genealogical studies. Mahavisnu-Indra has all ready been shown to be the best candidate for Noah. Therefore, if the Syrian genealogies have any credibility left anf if the Hindu lists can still,be trusted, then Baal and Brahma are the same figure under different national mythic names. But what of the Hebrew Genesis-10 list? Who of the three sons of Noah is Baal Hadad or Brahma? Ham must be eliminated for his Canaanite offspring were cursed by Noah and this from what Ham did at Babel. Ham would not have been so favored by Noah as Genesis admits. Japheth can be elimininated as Brahma for his illusiveness in Genesis and for his colonizing the Western World, placing him outside of the conflict. Plus, neither Ham nor Japheth were considered for the Messianic Line, though Japheth was encluded in Shem’s blessing by Noah. This leaves Shem as our Baal or Brahma figure and Vizier of Mahavisnu. Shem is the only candidate for the cultural hero and Patriarch of the east, the god-king-ruler of the Shemites. Where one finds Indra, one finds Brahma! And in Scripture, who is blessed by Noah? Shem is. For, Shem was appointed to be the one to herald in the Messianic Line, from which Christ came. Not Ham, and not Japheth but Shem. The companionship between Brahma and Indra reflects the Noahic heritage of Noah’s blessing upon Shem and his descendants, as contrasted with the cursing of the Hametic Canaanite Line. Therefore, Brahma is the culturally isolated Hindu version of the Biblical Shem.




Tradition: Hebrew:

Mahavisnu / Indra Noah

Sesa / Uma Noah’s Matriarch wife.

Brahma Shem

The Cosmic Egg The Ark

Brahma’s ‘golden’ color Chinese Mongolian genetics.

Mt. Meru / Sumeru Sumer in Mesopotamia / ‘type’ of Mt. Ararat.

Brahma’s ‘Abode’ Land North of Syria.

Kubera’s ‘Abode’ Location of Habiru, Syrian Hebrews.

Curavas North of Kubera Land North of Syria.

Vedic religion of Brahma Religio=Political System of Noah, perverted at Babel.